Lonely night
Mixed media op vinyl
72 x 100 cm
This work has been made in mixed media(ink, pastels, graphite, black gesso, gouache,softpastels) and is based upon microscopy and photography. The reality of the small animal is 0.4 mm.
Fate or destiny?
60 x 80 cm
Belonging to a marginalized and voicelees minority without proper protection means living in a shadow, being invisible because the enemy is everywhere. It means living behind behind the threads of misunderstanding, intolerance, hatred and exclusion. Nevertheless, the child is still in the light, from fellows that inspire and have the courage to fight te system. Fate, or destiny, it's never a real life.
Separate twins
60 x 80 cm
Multi layered figurative based upon the puppet show that a children's home is, for those who want to choose one of the twins and then we'll see what happens next.