Narrative drawing

Born this way?

pastel, 50 x 65 cm 2023

The Netherlands is absolutely not a democratic constitutional state in which human rights are respected, when you belong to voiceless minorities that have no advocacy or protection.  The hidden politics destroys people's lives.   Selected work (46 pieces / 189 in all media, 2021- 2024)  

Imaginary justice

Emasculated gaesten

Random fate

Two sides of a story


Police corrective rape

Wrong box

Defender of the Crown

Masked story

Violence in Y C

Criminal bars

Hidden minority

Black thread

A nation's shame

Fatherless Jesus

First time

Non- binary boy

Deported child

Foster -to -prison- pipeline

I am

The claw of justice

More colors please!

Carterpillar gender

Angels never swim

Guilty for love

Legal exclusion

Gender grave

Reformed night shades

Tim's friend


Broken love

Triple -binary


Who's afraid of red?

El Arabier

Wrongly wired

King of the French- Netherlands

Just smile

Boy by proxy

19th century shadow

The Reformed Church  Carrot

Silenced stories

Gender fate

Inside baby

Cry for love
